Don’t Live Or Die In Vain!
What a beautiful sunrise today! Today we celebrate our savior conquering death! May you be refreshed and live in light of the resurrection and what that means for us today!
Sermon Outline
What a beautiful sunrise today! Today we celebrate our savior conquering death! May you be refreshed and live in light of the resurrection and what that means for us today!
Sermon Outline
This Sunday is Palm Sunday! We are so excited for the upcoming passion week and all that it reminds us of each year! This Sunday, presiding elder Eric Byrom is covering 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 which gives us the basics of the gospel of Jesus Christ dying and rising. In light of that, please take some time to read the passage and to consider the questions and sermon outline below.
Sermon Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
This week, Pastor Eric Byrom is jumping ahead to 1 Corinthians 16. We will then jump back to chapter 15 for Palm Sunday and Easter because it deals with the topic of the resurrection. In looking at Paul's last remarks, we see him bringing it all back around to the idea of doing everything in love. We see him relating love to how we give, how we make plans and how we treat leaders.
Sermon Passage: 1 Corinthians 16:1-24
Sermon Outline
This week, pastoral elder Jon Vega continues our walk through 1 Corinthians. He talks about 1 Corinthians 15:26-40. It contains some interesting words that aren't that easy to hear. Please review this passage yourself and see what Paul is saying to the church in Corinth as well as to us.
There are no study/discussion questions this week.
This week we were honored to have the outstanding muscial presentation by the Mansfield Christian School IMAGE group. Pastor Eric Byrom continues our sermon series of 1 Corinthians and centering on chapter 14 today.
Passage: 1 Corinthians 14:1-25
Sermon Outline
This week, Pastor Eric Byrom leads a sermon about a Bible passage that almost everyone has heard especially at weddings: 1 Corinthians 13 a.k.a. The Love Chapter.
Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Sermon Outline
This week, pastoral elder Jadae Fox brings a message about spiritual gifts from 1 Corinthians. As believers, we are all designed by God to serve the body in different ways. We are all empowered by the same Spirit differently to be part of the local body. Take time to pray for and encourage each other to be what they are meant to be within the body.
Discussion/Study Questions
This week, Eric Byrom, our presiding elder, continues to take us through 1 Corinthians. Today's message is over an interesting passage that not everyone enjoys hearing or possibly preaching about, but like all other verses are good for understanding God's love for us.
Sermon Outline
Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:2-34
This week, Robert Key is filling in for Eric Byrom. Robert gets the chance to respond and expound upon the concept of angels that last week Jon Vega mentioned.
There are no study/discussion questions this week.
This week, pastoral elder and youth group leader Jon Vega jumps back into First Corinthians. Jon states that chapter 10 is split into two sections, "For the Good of Your Personal Walk (1-13)" and "For the Good of Others." It seems to follow the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40). Let's check that out.
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