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A Spiritual People

Jadae Fox
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sermon Series:

This week, pastoral elder Jadae Fox brings a message about spiritual gifts from 1 Corinthians. As believers, we are all designed by God to serve the body in different ways. We are all empowered by the same Spirit differently to be part of the local body. Take time to pray for and encourage each other to be what they are meant to be within the body.

Discussion/Study Questions

  1. When reading this passage with the understanding that it is talking about being “spiritual people” how does that change things compared to a common emphasis that this passage is about “Spiritual gifts”?
  2. What are the 2 signs we are given to know if someone is spiritual (a believer)?
  3. Paul gives a list of examples of various grace gifts. What is the shared purpose of all of them?
  4. Why is it important to know that God decides what gift(s) that each believer receives?
  5. Have you ever struggled with the gifting that God has given you? Have you ever seen others gifting as less important or special as another? What encouragement/challenge do these verses provide?
  6. What does showing honor to the less honored or seemingly less important body parts look like?
  7. According to these verses what does a local body working well look like?
  8. We need to be a part of each other’s lives (especially within small groups) Is God moving you to care more for others? Or open-up more to others?
Download: Audio icon Jadae Fox.mp3
  • Length: 44:37