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No One Should Seek Their Own Good, But The Good of Others

Jon Vega
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sermon Series:

This week, pastoral elder and youth group leader Jon Vega jumps back into First Corinthians. Jon states that chapter 10 is split into two sections, "For the Good of Your Personal Walk (1-13)" and "For the Good of Others."  It seems to follow the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:36-40). Let's check that out.

Discussion/Study Questions
For review:
1.  What is "the culmination of the ages? (10:11)" 
2. How is verse 12 similar to Mathew 7:3-5?
To begin: 
The central verse is, "No one should seek their own good, but the good of others (v24)." and the freedom of choice given in verse 23. 
a. From that, verses 14-22 appear to deal with those that participate in the "cup of the Lord," others in the community of believers. 
b. Next, verses 25-30 appear to deal with others in the community of non-believers.  
Communion of believers:
1. Why and how is the exercise of communion (the Eucharist) an act of unity? 
2. How do we participate "in the alter" when we eat the body and blood of Christ? Does that make us priests?
3. Is idolatry rooted in the idol itself (meat and drink), the one who is eating and drinking, or how/to whom we glorify when we eat and drink (v.19)? 
4. If the "cup of the Lord" is thanksgiving, what is the "cup of demons?" Why can't we drink both?
5. How do both cups manifest themselves in the local church? How do they affect the faith and unity of our local body, church?
Communion with Non-believers:
1. Is Paul simply telling us "don't ask, don't tell" in verse 27?
2. How can we be secure enough in our own faith (10:1-13) in order to focus on the insecure needs of someone else's faith (v.29)? 
3. Does a voluntary loss of freedom diminish the person who chooses the loss? 4. How does that relate to Christ (Philippians 2:5-8)?   
5. Why do we fear the judgment of others (v. 30)? 
In conclusion: 
Paul repeats the central thesis in verses 10:31-11:1. 
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  • Length: 35:15