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The Word of God and the Kingdom

Jadae Fox
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sermon Series:

This week, the Mansfield Christian School's Performance Choir graced us with singing and joinedus in worshipping God. Pastoral elder Jadae Fox completed the service with a message from Mark 4:1-34 about the Word of God and the Kingdom.

Study/Discussion Questions

  1. How does the parable of the sower (the 4 soils) change the way you approach the reading and study of God’s word?
  2. As in the parable of the lamp… In what ways have you seen the truth of the kingdom of God shine in the lives of you or others?
  3. What can we do to help shine and not hide our light?
  4. What encouragement does the parable of the growing seed give as we consider…
    a.   Our own Christian growth
    b.   The growth of those we disciple
  5. In light of the parable of the mustard seed- If we want to see the Kingdom of God grow in our world…our nation… our city or our church… What should we do?
  6. What is something you feel God prompting you to do in response to His word today? 
Download: Audio icon Jadae Fox.mp3
  • Length: 25:56