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Why Can't a Camel Squeeze Through The Eye of a Needle

Jon Vega
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sermon Series:

This week, pastoral elder Jon Vega resumes our journey in Mark. Jon subtitles this sermon "Why Can't a Camel Squeeze Through The Eye of a Needle"

Sermon Outline/Study Questions

1. Mark 6:14-28. Why do we often find it harder to fearlessly share the gospel as we get older? Can you identify with any of Herod's fears? 
a. Fear of repercussions for making a wrong decision. 
b. Fear of loss of legitimacy.  
c. Fear of loss of moral power.
d. Fear of the loss of standing in the community. 
e. Fear of the loss of your job.  
f. Fear of the loss of reputation or the respect of those around you (boss, coworkers, fellow believers, family, etc.). 

2. Mark 6:7-13. Why then are Jesus' instructions for the 12 (when he sends them out 2 by 2) so significant? 
a. How do they give freedom? 
b. How do they empower?
c. How do they further the spread of God's Kingdom?  

Download: Audio icon Jon Vega.mp3
  • Length: 34:25