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Trust God Who Justifies The Ungodly and Receive The Righteousness of Jesus

Jadae Fox
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sermon Series:

This week, pastoral elder Jadae Fox continues our journey through Romans. This time, we stop off in Romans 4. Listen for the following points:

  1. Righteousness comes from Faith not from works
  2. Righteousness is offered to all who have faith like Abraham
  3. God's promise to Abraham is completed in the cross of Jesus

After tuning in, check out these discussion questions:Put the meaning of counted in your own words.

  • The Jews at the time thought that ‘faith’ was the same thing as the ‘obedience of the law’. How does Paul in verses 2-4 show that saving faith is not the same thing as obedience to the law?
  • Name the two parts of real saving faith according to verse 5.
  • In verse 5, what does Paul mean when he says that a Christian “does not work”?  (Consider Eph. 2:8-10)
  • How does Paul make his case in vs.9-17 that salvation is not just for Jews, but for all?
  • How does the case of Abraham (vs.18-25) illustrate the difference between only believing IN God, and believing what God says (v.3)?
  • How can Abraham’s example help you strengthen your faith (verse 19)?
  • What is one are that you want/need to trust God more?
  • How has this passage better equipped you to lovingly encourage others to trust in the Lord and His promises (the Gospel) instead of their own good works?
Download: Audio icon Jadae Fox.mp3
  • Length: 36:18