Jadae Fox
Sermon Date:
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Sermon Series:
This week, pastoral elder Jadae Fox continues our journey through Romans. This time, we stop off in Romans 4. Listen for the following points:
- Righteousness comes from Faith not from works
- Righteousness is offered to all who have faith like Abraham
- God's promise to Abraham is completed in the cross of Jesus
After tuning in, check out these discussion questions:Put the meaning of counted in your own words.
- The Jews at the time thought that ‘faith’ was the same thing as the ‘obedience of the law’. How does Paul in verses 2-4 show that saving faith is not the same thing as obedience to the law?
- Name the two parts of real saving faith according to verse 5.
- In verse 5, what does Paul mean when he says that a Christian “does not work”? (Consider Eph. 2:8-10)
- How does Paul make his case in vs.9-17 that salvation is not just for Jews, but for all?
- How does the case of Abraham (vs.18-25) illustrate the difference between only believing IN God, and believing what God says (v.3)?
- How can Abraham’s example help you strengthen your faith (verse 19)?
- What is one are that you want/need to trust God more?
- How has this passage better equipped you to lovingly encourage others to trust in the Lord and His promises (the Gospel) instead of their own good works?
Download: Jadae Fox.mp3
- Length: 36:18