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The True Law

Jon Vega
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sermon Series:

This week, pastoral elder Jon Vega continues our journey through the book of Romans. He talks about hypocrisy, convenants, the Law, and wedding rings.After listening, please take a moment to reflect on the passage and the sermon with these questions:

  1. The Personal: Why is Paul so worked up about hypocrisy? “You, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself?”
  2. The Public: Why is Paul worried about God’s name being “blasphemed” among the gentiles? What is the context from Ezek. 36:20,22?
  3. The Heart of the Matter: What is the point of the Law’s requirements?
  4. How should we seek public and personal holiness/ integrity?  How are they different?
  5. How do we know if our praise comes from God and not from other people? Shouldn’t we seek both? Why or why not?  
Download: Audio icon Jon Vega.mp3
  • Length: 26:36