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Receive Comfort And Comfort Others

Jadae Fox
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sermon Series:

This week, pastoral elder Jadae Fox talks about receiving and giving comfort even through suffering.

Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11

Sermon Outline

I. Understand the source and reason for suffering
II. Share the truth of your suffering and receive comfort
III. Comfort others with the comfort you have received

Study/Discussion Questions

1. What is the source of suffering? (sin)
2. What are some of the ways God uses suffering for good? Can you share a personal example?
3. How does knowing that suffering is a part of all human existence change the way we deal with suffering?
4. In scripture we read of the great suffering of Jesus. (See Isaiah 53) Jesus understands what we are going through. How does this change how we face struggles?
5. How do we receive comfort from God? What could get in the way of His comfort?
6. What are some reasons why we don’t share the truth of our suffering with others?
7. In what ways does not sharing impact both the one who suffers and others?
Rhetorical question Do you have people in your life you freely share with?
8. What are practical ways we can comfort/strengthen those who are suffering?
9. What is the connection between joining in someone suffering and rejoicing with them? How have you seen this bless you?
10. Is God moving you to actively comfort anyone in your life?

Download: Audio icon Jadae Fox.mp3
  • Length: 38:56