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Present All of Your Life to Jesus

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sermon Series:

This week, presiding elder Eric Byrom is walking us through Romans 13. Eric today is tellign us to "Present all of your life to Jesus!"

Sermon Outline

  • Present your public life to Jesus! (v. 1-10)
    • Present your freedom to Jesus (v 1-7)
    • Present your relationships to Jesus (v. 8-10)
  • Present your private life to Jesus! (v. 11-14)


  1. What has God been doing in you this week because of what you heard last week?
  2. Which is harder for you to present, your public or your private life to Jesus?  Why?
  3. What makes it so challenging for us to present our freedom to Jesus?
  4. What about relationships changes when we present them to Jesus (v. 10)
  5. How does presenting Jesus our use of our personal and private time change how we live?
  6. What is one thing God is calling me to remember or change this week in response to what I heard today?
Download: Audio icon Eric_Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 19:05