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Pray For The Wholeness of Your City!

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sermon Series:

This Sunday we will be looking at Psalm 122.  Please take time to read Nehemiah 2:10-18 at the potential context for the writing of Psalm 122.  In light of the context, what Psalm 122 says takes on quite a different light.

Sermon Passage: Psalm 122; Nehemiah 2:10-18

Sermon Outline

  • Pray for the wholeness of your city for the sake of your families and the family of God!
  • Pray for the wholeness of your city for the sake of the kingdom of God!

Study/Discussion Questions

  • How does the fact that the church as a people has replaced the temple as the dwelling place of God affect how you view it?
  • If the peace of your city affects the family of God, why would that be a motivation to get involved in service to your city?
  • If the peace of your city affects the kingdom of God how would that be a motivation to get involved in mission to your city?
  • What is one thing that God wants you to do, remember or change in response to what you heard today?


Download: Audio icon Eric Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 39:52