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Grow Down in the Grace of Forgiveness and Being Forgiven

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sermon Series:

This week, Presiding Elder Eric Byrom continues our Grow Down series by focusing in on growing down in the grace of forgiving and being forgiven.  Eric pulls from Ephesians 4:31-32 with Matthew 18:15-35 as a sidebar. Listen for the following points:

  1. Grow down in the grace of forgiving and being forgiven by putting away sinful anger (v. 31)
  2. Grow down in the grace of forgiving and being forgiven by putting on forgiveness. (v. 32)
  3. Grow down in the grace of forgiving and being forgiven by remembering your forgiveness. (v. 32)

After listening, take some time to reflect over some of these study questions:

  1. What has God been working in me this week?
  2. What was God saying to me today when I heard the message and the passage?
  3. Which do I struggle with more:  Blowing up or Clamming up?  Do I understand the third option for anger?
  4. How does my realization of my own sin and forgiveness help me to be gracious to others?
  5. Which do I struggle with more:  Not forgiving because I would never do that thing or not forgiving because I haven’t “earned” forgiveness myself?
  6. What is one thing God wants me to do in response to what I’ve heard this week?
Download: Audio icon Eric Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 33:59