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Get Ready To Be Faithful In Tough Times!

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sermon Series:

This week, presiding elder Eric Byrom continues taking us through the Book of Mark. He tells us to get ready to be faithful in tough times!

Sermon Outline

1. Get ready to be faithful in tough times by guarding against counterfeits! (v. 5-6; 21-23)
2. Get ready to be faithful in tough times by not being worried about the future! (v. 7-8; 11-13)
3. Get ready to be faithful in tough times by faithfully sharing the gospel in all situations. (v. 9-10)

Study/Discussion Questions

  • What have you perceived as “being ready” for tough times in your life?  How is that different than what Jesus tells us here?  How is it the same?
  • How does what Jesus shares about being ready to be faithful in tough times fly in the face of what the world tells us to do?
  • How do you guard yourself against being led astray by counterfeits?
  • How do you ruthlessly root out worry about the future from your life?
  • How do you stay motivated to share the gospel in good as well as hard situations?  If you don’t, what could you change in your life to make this a priority?  How would it look?
  • What is one thing that God is moving in you to change or do in response to what you have heard today?
Download: Audio icon Eric Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 27:05