Sermon Series:
This week, Presiding Elder Eric Byrom continues our journey through Mark by asking us to deal with the reality of discipleship.
Sermon Outline
Mark 8:22-9:1
Call: Deal with the reality of discipleship!
1. Deal with the reality that you need Jesus to heal your perception. (v. 22-26)
2. Deal with the reality that you need Jesus to correct your preoccupation. (vv. 27-33)
3. Deal with the reality that you need Jesus to call you persecution. (vv. 34-38)
Study/Discussion Questions
1. How has your idea of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus changed over the years? Does this need to be changed?
2. How does interacting with this passage challenge what you believed it meant to follow Jesus? What are you going to do about that?
3. How have you let Jesus heal your perception of what it means to follow Him?
4. How have you let Jesus correct your wrong preoccupations in life?
5. How have you let Jesus call you from self-preservation to persecution for His sake? What would that look like this week?
6. What is God asking you to change in your life this week in response to what you heard Him say to you today?
- Length: 34:39