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Conclusion of the Gift Series

Robert Key
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, December 27, 2020

This week, pastoral elder Robert Key concludes his sermon series on spiritual gifts centering on 1 Corinthians 12:28-31.

Study/Discussion Questions

  1. What is the Manifest Presence of the Lord?
  2. Considering all of the lists of the gifts together, what criteria do we use to determine which gifts are to be preferred.
  3. How would you describe the ideal relationship with a close family member?
  4. How does the description given in #3 above color the way we look at what our relationship with the Lord should be?
  5. What has the two-way relationship with the Lord looked like in your own life?
  6. Share some experiences where you felt like you had been functioning in one of the Gifts of the Spirit.
Download: Audio icon Robert_Key.mp3
  • Length: 31:42