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Change How You View Your Body And Its Use!

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sermon Series:

This week, Pastor Eric Byrom continues our sermon series in 1 Corinthians.

Sermon Outline

Change how you view your body and its use!

1) Change how you view your body and its use by fleeing sexual immorality!

A) Recognize your body is a member of Christ.

B)    Recognize that sexual sins glue you to unholy masters.

C)    Recognize that your body is God’s temple.

2)     Change how you view your body and its use by glorifying God with your body!

A)    Glorify God by using your body for what is beneficial. (v. 12)

B)    Glorify God with your body by not being dominated by anything. (v. 12)

C)    Glorify God with your body by setting it apart for the Lord. (v. 13)

D)   Glorify God with your body by being one in spirit with him. (v. 17)


Study/Discussion Questions

1) How have you met with God this week?

2) How does how you have viewed your body agree or exist in contrast to what Paul is saying in 1 Cor 6:12-20?

3) What might a person who has committed sexual immorality have to do to make things right with God?  Why would Paul warn us so strongly to flee from this type of sin?

4) How might having Paul’s view of your body aid you in resisting temptation towards sexual immorality?

5) What would it look like to glorify God with your body?

6) What is one thing that God is moving you to change or remember in response to what you heard this week?

Download: Audio icon Eric Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 42:18