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Calling, Identity, and Purpose

Matt Godsil
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sermon Series:

This week, pastoral elder Matt Godsil leads a very interesting and engaging sermon about Paul's personal letter to Timothy From 2 Timothy.

Sermon Passage: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

Questions for Study/Discussion

  1. What is the difference between calling and identity in the life of a believer?
  2. How does Paul engage Timothy in the terms of his identity in these passages?
  3. How is Timothy equipped to answer God’s calling to the ministry in Ephesus?
  4. What role does scripture play in your identity?
  5. What scripture impacts your calling on a regular basis? Could you share that passage with the group?
  6. Of the purposes of the Holy Scriptures listed in Paul’s letter to Timothy, which are you most involved in? (to teach, challenge, correct and train so that we are prepared for doing good)
  7. How is that working for you?
Download: Audio icon Matt Godsil.mp3
  • Length: 1:55:19