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Be Eager to Preach the Whole Gospel of Grace

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sermon Series:

This week, Presiding Elder Eric Byrom continues our journey through Romans, concentrating on verses 15-32. Listen for the following points:

  • Be eager to preach the whole gospel of grace because every human has a knowledge of God. (v. 18-21)
  • Be eager to preach the whole gospel of grace because every human manufactures idols. (v. 22-24)
  • Be eager to preach the whole gospel of grace because every human has been handed over to their idols. (v. 26-32)
  • Be eager to preach the whole gospel of grace because every human has capacity for endless praise. (v. 25)

Some reflection questions

  • How have you met with God this week in your time in the Bible and your life?
  • What has He been saying to you?
  • Why is it easy for us to be ashamed of the gospel rather than eager to tell others about it?
  • What are some of the idols that you tend towards?
  • When you are given over to the desires of these idols, where does that tend to lead you?
  • How is God’s mercy still shown in the fact that he hands us over to these desires?
  • What is God speaking to you to do in response to what you have heard today?
Download: Audio icon Eric Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 41:36