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1 Timothy 2023

Serve With The Right Heart!

Mansfield Christian choral group IMAGE helped us worship the Lord today in song and word. Pastor Eric Byrom then shared a sermon on 1 Timothy 6:1-2.

Sermon Title: Serve with the right heart!

Sermon Outline

  1. Serve with the right heart for the sake of the gospel! (v. 1)
  2. Serve with the right heart for the sake of Christian love! (v. 2)

Questions for Study/Discussion

God's Servent Must Keep Training

Due to the large wind storm the day before, our church was without power this past Sunday. Although without eletricity and heat, our church service continued as scheduled. As the Lord provided the clear morning with plenty of light streaming through the windows, our worship team shifted towards the windows with an updated song listing that everyone would remember the words to. Pastoral elder Jadae Fox continued our journey through 1 Timothy.

Sermon title: God's servent must keep training
Sermon passage: 1 Timothy 4:1-16

Paul Commissions Timothy to Confront Teachers of Ephesus

This week, pastoral elder Matt Godsil leads us along Timothy's path a little farther and into Chapter 2 about the teachers in Ephesus and when the seed of division is sown. This is a particularly hard passage for discussion because it talks about roles of men and women and how they are supposed to dress and act. Please listen to where Paul and Timothy are coming from and the context that this passage is in response to.

Urgently Pray For The Lost To Know The Truth

This week, pastoral elder and missionary Jadae Fox leads a sermon about prayer for your heart and prayer for others centering around 1 Timothy 2:17.

Sermon Passage: 1 Timothy 2:17

There are no sutdy/discussion questions this week. Please take time to pray for your family, community, and those in leadership positions above us to follow to what God has guided them.


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