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Declare That God’s Path is the Best Path!

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, February 5, 2023

Sermon Series:

This week, Pastor Eric Byrom finishes off the Psalms of Ascent sermon series talking about a short but mighty psalm, Psalm 134.

Sermon Passage: Psalm 134

Sermon Outline

  1. Declare that God’s path is the best path through your faithfulness! (v. 1)
  2. Declare that God’s path is the best path through your praise! (v. 2)
  3. Declare that God’s path is the best path through your journey! (v.3)

Study/Discussion Questions

  • How is the word “bless” or “praise” the key to the whole rest of the Psalms of Ascent?
  • What does it mean to bless God?
  • What does it mean for God to bless you?
  • How have you declared that God’s path is the best through your faithfulness?
  • How have you declared that God’s path is the best through your praise?
  • How have you declared that God’s path is the best through your journey?
  • Is there anything that God is wanting you to do, remember or change in response to what you heard today?  What is your plan to do that?
Download: Audio icon Eric Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 32:41