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Don’t Throw In Ihe Iowel When Things Look Bad!

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sermon Series:

This week, presiding elder Eric Byrom takes us past the hinge point of Daniel, switching from historical narrative to prophetic visions.

Sermon Outline

Summary: Don’t throw in the towel when things look bad!

  • Don’t throw in the towel when things look bad because God is in charge! (v. 1-12)
  • Don’t throw in the towel when things look bad because Jesus is coming! (v. 13-14)
  • Don’t throw in the towel when things look bad because we win in the end! (v. 15-28)

Study/Discussion Questions

  1. How have you met with God this week? What was it like?
  2. Why is it tempting to give up when things look bad?  Share about a time in your life when you were tempted to give up.  What kept you going?
  3. How does knowing God is in charge give you hope?  How does that affect how you deal with problems and adversity?
  4. How does knowing Jesus is coming change how you live each day?  What are some specific ways it affects life to keep this in mind?
  5. How does knowing we win in the end help you to deal with things getting worse before they get better?
Download: Audio icon Eric Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 38:26