Eric Byrom
Sermon Date:
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Sermon Series:
This week, presiding elder Eric Byrom takes us past the hinge point of Daniel, switching from historical narrative to prophetic visions.
Sermon Outline
Summary: Don’t throw in the towel when things look bad!
- Don’t throw in the towel when things look bad because God is in charge! (v. 1-12)
- Don’t throw in the towel when things look bad because Jesus is coming! (v. 13-14)
- Don’t throw in the towel when things look bad because we win in the end! (v. 15-28)
Study/Discussion Questions
- How have you met with God this week? What was it like?
- Why is it tempting to give up when things look bad? Share about a time in your life when you were tempted to give up. What kept you going?
- How does knowing God is in charge give you hope? How does that affect how you deal with problems and adversity?
- How does knowing Jesus is coming change how you live each day? What are some specific ways it affects life to keep this in mind?
- How does knowing we win in the end help you to deal with things getting worse before they get better?
Download: Eric Byrom.mp3
- Length: 38:26