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Gifts Are Part of Our Created Being

Robert Key
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sermon Series:

This week, pastoral elder Robert key looks at Romans 12:6-8 and considering how gifts of grae are part of our created being.

Here are some discussion starter questions for you:

  • Would seeing my “natural abilities” as gifts from God which should deliberately be used to bring Him glory change how I do things?
  • What things “click” in your life? (Those things that feel like you were created for the purpose of doing them)
  • What could you do to be more deliberate about serving God by focusing on doing those things?
  • Does seeing that each person comes “pre-wired” for certain skills and thought processes help to keep from misunderstanding and judging one another? In what way? How?
  • How can having a gift, or strength in a certain area, also carry a weakness that can cause problems?
  • What particular errors must I guard against, that are weaknesses that come with the particular gift that I have?
Download: Audio icon Robert Key.mp3
  • Length: 42:21