Eric Byrom
Sermon Date:
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Sermon Series:
Hi there, our brothers and sisters of Grace. We had another drive-in Sunday worship service. It was a bit chilly wit the wind, but we powered through. Our video message was recorded on Facebook Live.Here are links to watch our sermon:
Sermon OutlineRomans 7:7-13 - bible.comRemember the true purpose of the law is to show and not to save!
- Remember the true purpose of the law is to define sin. (v. 7-8)
- Remember the true purpose of the law is to show what righteousness looks like. (v. 8-12)
- Remember the true purpose of the law is to show the deceitfulness of sin. (v. 13)
- How has God been using the challenges of the quarantine to bring to the surface areas He wants to work on?
- Are there any areas of guidance you would like the group to lift up for you?
- Why do you think it is so easy to misuse the law for a purpose for which it was not intended?
- Why is it important for us to remember that it is God who defines sin and not us?
- Why is it important for us to remember that it is God who defines righteousness and not us?
- Why is it important for us to remember the deceitfulness of sin?
- What is one thing God is moving in you to do, remember or change in response to what you heard this week?
Download: Eric_Byrom.mp3
- Length: 19:45