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Live The New Life Under Grace

Eric Byrom
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sermon Series:

This week, Presiding Elder Eric Byrom resumes our walk through the Book of Romans, concentrating on Romans 6:1-14. Listen for these following points:

  • Live the new life under grace by considering yourself dead to sin.
  • Live the new life under grace by considering yourself under the reign of Christ.
  • Live the new life under grace by presenting yourself to God.

Reflective questions:

  1. If you were dead to sin, how would temptation affect you now?
  2. What difference would daily considering yourself dead to sin make in your life?
  3. What difference would daily acknowledging the reign of Christ in your life make to how you live?
  4. What would this look like practically?
  5. What difference would daily presenting yourself to God make in your life?
  6. How would this look practically in your day?
  7. What is one thing God is moving in you to do or change in response to what you’ve learned today?
Download: Audio icon Eric_Byrom.mp3
  • Length: 23:54