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Reframe Suffering

David Lane
Sermon Date: 
Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sermon Series:

This week, our guest speaker is David Lane. David is the District Superintendent for the Central District of the Christian Missionary Alliance. He packages his sermon with the thesis: Entrust your soul to a faithful Creator when you suffer for Him

Sermon Passage: 1 Peter 4:12-19

Sermon Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Expect It (v.12)
    You are beloved
    Don't be surprised
    What is the fiery ordeal
    It is not strange
  3. Celebrate It (v.13-14,16)
    Share the sufferings of Christ
    Keep on rejoicing
    Rejoice with exultation
    You are blessed
    The Spirit rests upon you
    Do not feel ashamed
    Glorify the name
  4. Experience It (For the right reasons) (v.15,17)
    Don't bring it upong yourself for bad behavior
    It is for your testing
    God does do house cleaning
  5. Reframe It (v.19)
    This is according to His will
    Entrust your soul
    He is your faithful Creator
    Remember you are beloved
    What good has come from Jesus suffering?
    The restoration of all things
    Peace over chaos
    Life over death
    Good over evil


Download: Audio icon David Lane.mp3
  • Length: 1:33:45