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Grace on Mission

August 18 - 20, 2023

Everyone is invited to our church-wide retreat, beginning Friday evening, August 18, and ending with our Community Celebration the next evening, August 19. This will be a time of preparing our minds and spirits for the year ahead. Craig Heselton, retired pastor and retreat director with the Columbus Vineyard Church, will be speaking. This will be a time of growth!

We are reborn as the Lord’s to become bearers of His love, power, and the Good News of the Kingdom. We are called to grow as His followers. We are empowered to have a caring impact on family, friends, neighborhoods, schools, jobs, and community. As both individuals and as a church, we are being uniquely molded by Christ and deeply engaged with our world for the sake of the Kingdom.

Please mark your calendars! More details will be forthcoming!
If you have questions or if you wish to find out how you can help with the retreat, please contact Greg or Marirae Frankenfield.


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4